Individuals who wish to appeal a citation must do so within thirty (30) days of the date of issuance, or the right to appeal is forfeited. All citation appeals must be submitted online via the .
Each appeal will be judged and a notification of the decision will be sent to the applicant via Pace email. Include as much factual information as possible when completing the appeal form. All decisions rendered are final.
Only appeals for legitimate discrepancies concerning current parking policy will be considered. The following reasons are considered invalid reasons for appealing a citation:
- Lack of knowledge of the parking rules, to include unread/misunderstood sign
- Other vehicles were parked improperly
- Was only parked illegally for a short period of time
- Stated failure of officer to ticket previously for similar offense
- Late to class/appointment
- No other place to park
- Inability to pay the amount of the fine.
- Lost ticket/never received ticket/error in the description of the car
No consideration will be given for anyone who repeatedly receives citations for the same offense and does not address it immediately after receiving the first citation.
Students may pay for traffic fines via the .