LiveText is an electronic data collection and reporting system. Students will be required to use LiveText to submit course evaluations for their education courses and other assignments to their instructors. Instructors can view, assess, and give feedback on assignments to students using LiveText.

School of Education is an NCATE accredited institution which is a national teacher preparation assessment organization. To participate in this consortium, student assessments must be submitted to scorers located across the country. LiveText provides a platform for the submission and scoring of these Teacher Performance Assessments.


  • Course Evaluations
  • Collection of Material for Accreditation
  • edTPA Submissions
  • Web based Surveys
  • Field Supervision and Observation Data
  • General Data Collection


  • School of Education Students
  • School of Education Faculty
  • School of Education Staff
  • University Administration

How To Access Livetext

LiveText is a web based application. .


The Primary point of contact for LiveText support is Bill Kovari (bkovari@pace.edu).
For general questions, please contact the Dean's Office at (914) 773-3870.

Additional support can also be found on the .

  • Faculty Support Material
  • Student Support Material